Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library Opening
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Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library Opening

“Your team went above and beyond everyday for us, with every request, with every change – and there were a lot of changes. You really helped us shine, and I can’t thank you enough.”

— Brian Reardon (Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, DCCA)


00220011PWE produced and managed the public grand opening ceremony of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, the first posthumously dedicated presidential library, to honor Lincoln’s legacy and promise to America.



Our principal responsibility was the creative and strategic development of the event, production of the show and on site logistics for the Dedication Ceremony.

We had to create a one-of-a-kind grand opening event for a library that was not opening to the public. Former CNN anchor, Bernard Shaw emceed a public ceremony that featured Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card, and members of the State Legislature. A flyover by the Illinois Air National Guard 183rd Fighter Wing opened the program followed by 2002 Miss America Erika Harold singing the National Anthem.

This dedication was televised live and in full on C-SPAN, and attracted over 100 news media from all over the world as well as being attended by 1,000 VIPs and 3,000 guests.

A special video tribute commemorating the 139th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address included Presidents Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell. Our grand finale was a powerful performance of the Battle Hymn of the Republic by Calvin Bridges and The Chicago Praise Choir and a special effects light show, intertwined with confetti and pyro blasts from the top of this brand new Presidential Library.