Entertainment Production
“Jodi Wolf and the team at PWE set a very high bar as entertainment buyers. They posses a rare ability that allows for responsible and clear representation of the client while still providing a respectful vehicle for the guest artist’s performance. It’s a razor’s edge that very few can walk. They do it consistently, with class and style.”
— Chuck Hull (Tour Manager, Keith Urban)
The majority of the events that PWE produces have a celebrity or entertainment component including appearances, speaking engagements, signings & live performances. We are one of the few firms that secure, book and produce name talent. Our firm has an unsurpassed reputation for quality and mindfulness in the entertainment industry. We manage all elements of production from the negotiating and contracting of talent to the staging, lighting, sound, video and design.
One example that we are most proud of is producing over 250 live performances over 33 days in 6 different venues simultaneously for the 16,000 Olympic athletes, coaches and officials during the Centennial Olympic Games, including presidential visits & an international film premier for Warner Brothers.
During our 40+ years in the industry, we have acquired & produced over $300 million in musical acts, entertained over 80 million guests/consumers and produced over 5,000 events.